Wednesday, 25th February 2009 at 19:00.
Venue: Infolab C74, Lancaster University
Perl 5 is alive!
20 minutes - Matt Trout, Shadowcat Systems
A short introduction to the new Perl5 including DBIx:Class
and the new Perl5 Non profit for advocacy!
The Enlightened Perl Organisation.
10 minutes - Mark Keating, The Enlightened Perl Organisation.
Enlightened Perl is an organization which is built around a
movement within the Perl community. Its goals are complementary
to the Perl Foundation. Specifically, we support certain Perl
development efforts that ensure perl's future as an
enterprise-grade development platform.
Google Summer Of Code.
10 minutes - Mark Keating, Shadowcat Systems.
Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global program that offers
student developers stipends to write code for various open source
software projects. The North West England Perl Mongers group
plan to support and assist with applications to Perl projects
for GSOC 2009.
A whistle stop tour of modern Perl libraries.
20 minutes - Matt Trout, Shadowcat Systems.
Introducing Moose the Perl 6 object model, Catalyst an MVC web
framework and Reaction.
The meeting will begin with some brief introductions at 19:00.
After the meeting we'll hopefully be moving to a near by bar for a
beer or two where there will be chance to meet and discuss Perl with
members of and the talk presenters.
The program is about an hour long, but we expect we'll run on until
about 20:15 depending on time between presentations and any questions
and answers.
This is an opportunity to attend technical conference level talks not only locally but also at no charge! Some or all of the talks on the program have already featured at the annual London Perl Workshop in November 2008 and the PostgreSQL Conference, West US in October 2008.
Someone will meet people at the front doors of Infolab up until about 18:55, but University Security will be locking up at around 19:00. Give 07870 594102 a call if you find yourself lost or locked out!
The North West England Perl Mongers group meets once a month on the last Wednesday for alternating social and technical events. See our website at for details of past and
future meetings or join our mailing list at