Search is an essential part of most web applications and building up
‘like’ clauses in code just doesn’t cut it. This month we have three
talks on three different search daemons so you have the knowledge to
go away and add quality search to your app.
This month we have sponsorship from Brightbox so there will be free
Pizza, Beer and soft drinks after the talks, and maybe some T-Shirts
and stickers too.
• 6:30pm :: Welcome & Registration
• 7:00pm :: Talks on Sphinx, Solr & Ferret by Will Jessop, Asa Calow
& John Leach
• 7:45pm :: Pizzas/Beer/Soft-drinks provided by Brightbox
• 8:30pm :: Drinks at the The Paramount
If you want more information email or call Will
Sign Up
If you would like to attend this event please email me at
as I really need to know the numbers so I can order the right amount
of food and drink. You can also sign up on the Upcoming event page
(linked to from the site) if you want, but email me as-well.
This meeting is being held at our regular venue, the MDDA offices on
Portland Street in central Manchester.
Implementing Cryptography in AI Systems
Interesting research: “How to Securely Implement Cryptography in Deep
Neural Networks.”
*Abstract:* The wide adoption of deep neural networks (DNNs) rais...
2 hours ago