Thanks to everyone who made Agile YorkshireNovember so special, and my particular thanks to all those who arrived early enough to get involved with my lightning talks on The Pomodoro Technique and Timeboxing. More links and information may be found here.
eSun Triangle Print Success!
I re-ran the print of the triangles, this time with a base size of 300μm
and eSun Standard Resin. The resin reservoir was a little further away, so
this ...
How Phished Data Turns into Apple & Google Wallets
Carding -- the underground business of stealing, selling and swiping stolen
payment card data -- has long been the dominion of Russia-based hackers.
Rossfest Symposium reminder
Just a quick reminder that the final registration deadline for the Rossfest
Symposium is 25 February 2025. The event is on 25 March 2025.
Scrum Uses the Best Processes
You have been given a new, very important assignment . Imminent security
threats have been detected. Several security issues, that if not addressed,
will p...
Posting and Fascism
Recently, Janus Rose’s You Can’t Post Your Way Out of Fascism crossed my
radar on a hundred channels. It’s a smart piece that says smart things. But
I ende...
Dr. Chuck’s Social Media Footprint
This is a list of my social media accounts and how I use them: BluesSky – – I use this for just stream
of con...
Dear PT5-Compass Roses
Dear PT5 How are you doing? All set for the trip? Before you go, let me
show you the UFO I grew up under. Image:
Strong Governance Actually Makes Weak Companies
I’ve spent a lot of time in recent years thinking about governance: its
role in the current state of the markets and society, the way it functions
in ind...
Blending Lean and Agile for True Transformation
Learn how combining Lean and Agile methods can make your organization more
efficient and adaptable. Explore the benefits, challenges, and best
practices ...
[ANNOUNCE] Apache NetBeans 18 Released
The Apache NetBeans team is pleased to announce that Apache NetBeans 18 was
released on May 30, 2023.
What's in the Apache NetBeans 18 release:
MSEC – The Modern Software Engineer’s Companion
I have been working on a side project over the past year or so. I had been
making content for my YouTube channel and publishing articles, how to
guides and...
Risk Communications and 2019 novel coronavirus
I’m delighted to discover that Peter Sandman posted an email he shared with
a journalist about some of his thoughts risk communication in the wake of
the 2...
Grown-Up Lean
*Lean was introduced to software a couple of decades ago. *
* How are they getting along? *
This working paper was submitted as a chapter in *The Interna...
View from the twenty-second floor of the Sheraton Hotel in Toronto
Traveling west means waking up early and enjoying sunrises, as long as
there’s a good ...
Coaching Can Be Fun!
There are at least three good reasons to have fun when coaching. First,
sharing a good laugh together is a great way to build rapport. It reminds
us that...
Apache Board of Directors - a retrospective
Last term I had the honour of serving on the ASF board of directors, better
explained in context of the ASF governance structure. As quite a few
directors ...
User-defined literals in Java?
Java has a number of literals for creating values, but wouldn't it be nice
if we had more?
Current literals
These are some of the literals we can write...
Hello to The Old Bank Residency!
Welcome to Old Bank – the new home for MadFabLab, and our new Manchester
City Centre base. We’ll be sharing ‘The Bank’ with previous PLANT
inhabitants St...
A Practical Guide to Kaizen Events
Do you say kaizen event, kaizen activity, kaizen blitz, or cheese blintz?
No matter what you call it, kaizen events are focused, quick and often
d... Year 14 — Welcome New Admins
In year 14, we welcome new admins: Aaron Parecki, Gregor
Morrill, Martijn van der Ven, and Sven Knebel! All have been active for
years, he...
#3018 bit worried about my cat’s data on facebook
It has come to my attention that Facebook has ‘improperly shared’ my cat’s
personal data with Cambridge Analytica. I thought it was weird that he was
In praise of SWARMing
Most of my work these days is helping organisations figure out how to be
more effective, in terms of how quickly they can identify and respond to
the needs...
New OSS Watch videos!
As part of a project on Open Innovation at the University of Edinburgh,
Scott Wilson from OSS Watch took part in a series of videos on software in
open inn...
How to Scale an Engineering Team
I recently spoke at Code Slinger on the subject of scaling engineering
teams through periods of rapid growth. The video is not yet publicly
available, but ...
Kafka Clustering, Consumer Failover, Broke Failover
This tutorial covers Kafka clustering and replicated topic. It demonstrates
consumer failover and broker failover. It also demonstrates load balancing
What is your definition of “Estimate”?
For about 20 years I’ve been struggling with effort estimation. I have gone
through many heated discussions on whether an estimate is too high or low
and i...
Why Test-After Coverage Is Lower
Unit testing after the fact? We do just enough test-after development (TAD)
to please our manager, and no more.
*Just Ship It!* Once the business realize...
Uke the World
“Without music, life would be a mistake” – Nietzsche When I was little, I
was taken to Yamaha piano classes every Saturday. I remember sitting
between two ...
Find Mongo Document By ID Using The PHP Library
My new job as a Developer Advocate with IBM means I get to play with
databases for a living (this is the most awesome thing ever invented,
seriously). On m...
Nóirín Plunkett
smiles and socks retreating in co. wicklow now empty
whiskey and secrets bar camping in ox...
Vietnamese Style Sweet and Sour Lamb
Disclaimer: I have almost no experience cooking Vietnamese, this is just a
distillation of various recipes I’ve only read. Lamb steak (or other meat:
just ...
Changes at Hedtek
After seven productive and enjoyable years we’ve shut down the previous
incarnation of Hedtek in favour of avenues new. We no longer perform
bespoke develo...
Concurrent Algorithms
Anyone can write concurrent code using Test Driven Design? Inconceivable!
Experience TDD and concurrent programming from inside a Parallel Human
Computer S...
Maverick Adventures with Google Authenticator
*Please note, this article assumes you're somewhat familiar with running
commands in a terminal and editing system files. If you are not comfortable
with t...
Musings on measuring
Nothing happens just because you measure. You don’t lose weight just by
weighing yourself. Or maybe I did not stand there long enough? (Bjarte
Bogsnes on T...
Forced Exposure ~pj
The owner of Lavabit tells us that he's stopped using email and if we knew
what he knew, we'd stop too.
There is no way to do Groklaw without email. There...
CadQuery is OpenSource!
We're pleased to announce that CadQuery is now available under the LGPL
Enjoy powerful scripting on your ow...
The Pocket Calculator Kata
This is just a short post to link to *The Pocket Calculator Kata*.
The aim of this kata is to implement (most of) the features of the Casio
SL-1100TV 10-...
Blog moved!!!
*This blog has moved!*
I have moved the history of posts and comments from JRoller to the new
location of However, I can't find a way to ...
Summer haze in paint
My last fabric order included some bamboo silk. I’m planning to use some
of this as a lining but this leaves me with spare fabric. It’s very soft,
JAX London April 2011
JAX London was a great conference. The venue was better than before and
they have refined the speaker selection to suit the target London audience.
There w...
ICSE Most Influential Paper award
On the same day that Liam was born, I received news that one of my two
papers published at the ICSE 2000 conference has been given the
International Confer...
Concurrency issues in Restlet
Issue #368 in the Restlet issue tracker was originally focused on the Guard
class. Since then, I've taken a look at the rest of the org.restlet package
...And How Are You Going to USE That Information?
I cited in my last post a case where Counting Wasted Time. I ended by
giving my favorite response when someone is asking to collect data about
the projec...
I like Dave's InfoWorld slides very much. But to me, reality is much more
fractal. Bridges are complicated structures. Bootstrapping is definitely