Monday, 9 January 2012

Some Extreme Programming


Software development fails to deliver, and fails to deliver value. This failure has huge economic and human impact. We need to find a new way to develop software.

Kent Beck, Extreme Programming Explained

Extreme Programming (XP) is a , , influential not only as a highly successful process (for smaller projects) but for the innovative practices (tools and techniques) described and the philosophy espoused.

XP values

For small projects, Agile, extreme programming and high-level programming languages are key practices because coding is the dominant activity for small applications.

Capers Jones, Software Engineering Best Practices

XP believes in

  • rapid feedback,
  • assuming simplicity,
  • incremental change,
  • embracing change and
  • quality work.

The exact limits of XP aren't clear yet. But there are some absolute showstoppers that prevent XP from working — big teams, distrustful customers, technology that doesn't support graceful change.

Kent Beck, Extreme Programming Explained

XP practices

We can drive ourselves crazy with expectation. But by preparing for every eventuality we can think of, we leave ourselves vulnerable to the eventualities we can't imagine.

Kent Beck, Extreme Programming Explained

XP separates traditional project management into

XP is a lightweight, efficient, low risk, flexible, predictable, scientific, and fun way to develop software.

Kent Beck, Extreme Programming Explained



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