DFEY-NW (Digital Freedom in Education & Youth - North West) is a group
focusing on young people and issues of freedom in the digital world,
based in the Northwest of England at the moment.
Saturday April 25th 2009 12:30pm -> ~4:00pm
BBC Manchester, New Broadcasting House, Oxford Road, Manchester, M60 1SJ
Photo: http://tiny.pl/z7bf
Map: http://tiny.pl/z7b1
Nearest train station: Manchester Oxford Road (3 mins walking distance)
Due to BBC restrictions, you need to tell us:
or feel free to email us on team@nw.dfey.org to let us know you are
Ubuntu 9.04 'Jaunty' Release Party
The day before the meeting is the Ubuntu release party in Manchester.
It looks like it's going to be a load of fun. Maybe see you there?
Details: http://is.gd/sKLf
Implementing Cryptography in AI Systems
Interesting research: “How to Securely Implement Cryptography in Deep
Neural Networks.”
*Abstract:* The wide adoption of deep neural networks (DNNs) rais...
2 hours ago