If you are working with - or just curious about - the Dojo Toolkit
(http://dojotoolkit.org), please join us next week:
May 18th in Manchester, 6pm @ Code Computerlove:
It'll be myself and Dylan presenting a short talk on building great
apps with Dojo. Dylan is a dojotoolkit co-founder, runs the
cometdaily.com site and CEO/Founder of Sitepen Inc.
We're being hosted by Code Computerlove Ltd to whom we're enormously
grateful. I'd love to meet up with anyone dojo-curious in the area, or
wanting to talk javascript/ajax, in whatever shape and form you like
it. Following the talk, we'll adjourn to a pub for a jar or 2.
If you fancy stepping out but have no clue what Dojo is... Dojo is an
100% opensource javascript toolkit, in the family of YUI, jQuery etc.
It provides a fast, extendable and highly useful api for building
responsive web UIs, with a package system, animation system,
standardized api for data retrieval, powerful and accessible UI
widgets, cross-browser charting, and lots more. Dojo is
server/framework agnostic, but has been adopted and integrated with
the Zend Framework, Django among RoR among others. Its also seeing a
lot of use on the Adobe AIR platform, and finding a niche with rich
mobile apps via phonegap
If you plan on coming please register w. eventbrite (its free), but
also feel free to just drop in, or follow dylans or samfosteriam on
twitter for updates on where we're at.
Friday Squid Blogging: New Squid Fossil
A 450-million-year-old squid fossil was dug up in upstate New York.
Blog moderation policy.
10 hours ago